Buy online Desensitizers in India at Best Price


Men love delays, not at work but in bed. Here comes the desensitizer in India that would now let men confidently go on with their ride. These delay sprays are highly effective as they desensitize the penis and make it less prone to ejaculation. This gives men the chance to improve their performance and prolong their pleasure. Our online sex toys store offers top-notch delay sprays at great prices. Men would find these worthier in having mind-blowing experiences alone and with partners.

One of the critical features of the desensitizer in India is its ability to numb the penis temporarily. This does not hurt at all and, instead, makes it easier for men to keep stroking. There are rare chances of ejaculation once he sprays up on his glans. About safety, there is no complication with this product. Men till date have not come up with any relevant complaints. So, where it’s important for men to take care of their sexual health, this delay spray ensures good hygiene and safety during use. Unlike some artificial supplements or gels, this desensitizer is purely herbal and acts gentle and effective on the male genitals.

Using a delay spray is simple, even for those new to it. Allow a small amount at the tip of the penis before the action happens. If you are one of those women willing to vibe up your performance, a delay spray will do things in style.

Vimax Delay Spray DTZ-021
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 Product: Vimax Delay Spray DTZ-021

Category: Desensitizer

Effective time: 60 minutes

Direction: Spray a few times on his penis neck and head 30 minutes before action